Why Do You Need a Freelancer Portfolio?
In freelancing, a freelancer’s portfolio is important because a resume is a compilation of your previous work, educational background, and other activities. Only a resume doesn’t really cut it and win you projects. A resume only states your professional and educational background but doesn’t show what you are capable of.
If you are a freelance creative professional, you need a freelance portfolio. Whether you are an illustrator, photographer, artist, content creator, designer, writer, or more, your portfolio is more important than your resume.
Freelancers portfolio a visual display of their skills, which is important for creative professionals.
If you are an illustrator, you can showcase the projects you have worked on. That’s how potential clients can actually examine your work and identify if it meets their requirements.
Key Elements and Best Practices to Follow
Understand Your Audience
The first step to creating a portfolio for freelancers is to understand your audience. When you are working with a client on a project, you give your best to meet the expectations of the client. In this way, you are trying to build long-term relationships with the clients and impress them enough to hire you and give recommendations to others.
When you are creating your freelancing portfolio to attract potential clients, you have to figure out who is your target audience, what you want to show them, and what they want to see. For this, you can check out other successful freelancers’ portfolio samples that can help you determine what clients are looking for and what the industry standard is.
For instance, if you are a freelance illustrator you’ll want to attract children’s book publishers to hire you. So, you have to create a portfolio to attract children’s book publishers. First, you should understand the requirements of children’s book publishers and what they are looking for. Include samples of illustrative work for children in your portfolio. Moreover, check out the portfolio websites of other children’s illustrators and see how they have set up.
Display Your Best Work
When it comes to portfolio creation, curation is the next important step. Make sure to include your best work in your portfolio—everything that you are proud of. Try excluding the work that you don’t want your potential clients to see. Here, you have to consider quality, not quantity, so it doesn’t matter about the number of projects you have worked on but the qualitative and successful projects you delivered.
When you are a beginner and you have just started out, you don’t have a lot of experience. You’ll simply want to add everything you have ever done to pad up your portfolio, right? But that’s not really work, the best way is not to include all the work you have ever done but to include the best work you have ever done.
Moreover, if there are some projects that you worked on years ago or that no longer match your current skills or interests, you can skip them out.
For instance, if you are a freelance writer, at the start of your career you have undertaken a lot of travel writing, but now you want to move on to health and entertainment. In this case, you should ensure that your writing portfolio consists of more health and entertainment content and samples instead of the travel writing that you used to do years ago.
Add Client Testimonials
One aspect of building a portfolio is to showcase to your potential clients what you are capable of by visually showing your work via samples. Apart from work samples, you can showcase your reliability and professionalism by adding clients’ testimonials to your portfolio.
Adding testimonials from your existing and previous clients is like reviewing your work. Just like when you buy something online, whether it’s an electronic appliance or a shirt, you probably look for product reviews before making any decision.
The same goes for freelancers, when clients want to hire a freelancer, they look for their profiles and the testimonials attached. They prefer to hire freelancers who have positive reviews for delivering high-quality work and timely delivery. So, they can make comparisons and decide which candidate is best suited to meet their project requirements.
Include a Contact Form
Turn your simple showcase of your work into a full-fledged business website by simply adding a contact form. That’s how your portfolio becomes an all in one platform to promote and market yourself, to display your work while taking bookings and interacting with new clients.
Communication is the most important function in a freelancing portfolio, which can be done through outreach and exposure. You should not just put yourself out there for the world to see you, but to ensure that the people visiting your site, learning about you, and accessing your content will keep coming back to you. But its not an easy undertaking at all, what will you do to convert potential clients into paying clients?
With a contact form on your site, your visitors may have a direct way to contact you. This is one of the important conversion points that helps you convert potential clients into paying clients. Contact forms also put the clients in their comfort zone, as you are not asking them to give their personal or critical information, such as emails or phone numbers. Your portfolio becomes an interface for communicating with clients directly.
Contact forms let you use your freelance portfolio website itself as an interface for communicating with clients. They are the perfect way of enabling communication and outreach while also addressing privacy concerns.
Having a winning freelance portfolio helps you showcase your skills, attract potential clients, and grow your freelance business. With a visual representation of your capabilities and professionalism, you can stand out in a competitive market. Understand your audience and tailor your portfolio to meet their specific needs. That’s how you can attract ideal clients by showcasing your unique talents via a compelling freelance portfolio. Hopefully, now you understand well what is portfolio in freelancing. Greelance is a freelance platform that connects businesses with highly skilled and vetted candidates through tough screening from around the world.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. What should be included in a freelance portfolio?
A freelance portfolio should include a freelancer’s skills, expertise, best work, and client testimonials and feedback. Moreover, adding background information, professional experience, and qualifications would be great.
Q2. What do you consider the key to success as a freelancer?
The key to success as a freelancer lies in several factors, including professionalism, reliability, and continuous self-improvement. Freelancers should build strong relationships with clients based on trust and communication.
Q3. How can I improve my freelance portfolio?
- Regularly update your portfolio with your latest work and remove any outdated or irrelevant projects.
- Showcase your best work and highlight projects that align with your target clients’ needs and preferences.
- Add client testimonials or case studies to provide social proof of your skills and reliability.
- Get feedback from others to identify areas for improvement and refine your portfolio.
Q4. What is the secret to being a highly successful freelancer?
Well, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. A freelancer should make sure:
- To deliver exceptional work and exceed client expectations.
- Build strong relationships with clients based on trust, communication, and professionalism.
- Manage time effectively, stay organized, and set clear boundaries between work and personal life.