We have successfully deployed the Greelance Token on the Ethereum blockchain and are getting closer to realizing the full intent of the Greelance Platform.
We are going to start implementing the referral commissions right away, and the amount of commissions you receive will be based on the number of referrals you make within a particular month.
The referrals will be paid out in GRL tokens. After the presale, you will have the ability to exchange GRL tokens on Uniswap for other Cryptos.
Registering as an Investor in Greelance
- To refer other users to Greelance, no purchase is required, but registration is required.
- Go ahead and sign up as an investor using the following URL: https://investor.greelance.com
- Once you sign up, an OTP code will be sent to your email. Please check your spam folder if you don’t see it in your inbox.
- Once signed in, copy your referral link on the top of your page and send it to your contacts:
- When you refer another user and they invest in Greelance, Greelance will retain 2.5% of all transactions to be used for commission payments.
- The amount of commission you receive will depend on your activity level. In the current phase, the activity level will primarily be based on the number of participants you refer to Greelance.
- If you don’t refer anyone during a particular month, you won’t receive commission payments for that month, but anyone you refer is always going to be a part of your referral hierarchy
Greelance Participant Presale
The Greelance Participant Presale gives early investors a chance to buy GRL at a discounted price before the public launch on December 30, 2023.
- There are a total of 100,000,000 Greelance tokens available for purchase
- There are a total of 5 Phases
- Phase 1 will last only 7 day
- Next 4 phase will last only 4 days each.
- Each Phase will have 20,000,000 tokens available for purchase
- Phase 1 of the Greelance Participant Presale has already started
Participating in the Greelance Participant Presale:
- Once logged in, click on the “Purchase Coin” button on the top right of the screen.
- Connect your Crypto Wallet. We currently only support MetaMask, Wallet Connect, and Coinbase Wallets.
- Once Wallet is connected, click on “Buy Token Tab”
- Select your preferred coin to purchase Greelance Tokens.
- Enter the amount and click “Buy with Ethereum” if Ethereum is selected or “Buy with DAI” if DAI is selected.
- Your wallet should pop up to complete the transaction.
- If you don’t have Ethereum or DAI in your wallet, you can purchase some from Uniswap or other centralized or decentralized exchanges.
- After completing your transaction, you can disconnect your wallet from the Greelance website by clicking the Delete button in the top right of the Connect Wallet window.
- After purchasing Greelance Tokens to view them in your wallet, you have to Add a Custom token.
- Greelance Token Contract Address: 0xA067237f8016d5e3770CF08b20E343Ab9ee813d5
- Adding Custom Token in Metamask:
- Click on “Import Tokens” in your Metatmask screen:
- Click the “Custom token” tab, enter Greelance Token Contract Address, and click “Add custom token”:
Please DO NOT SEND any funds directly to the Contract address. All fund transactions will be done through the Investor portal
- Click “Import tokens”
- Your GRL Tokens will now be visible in your Wallet:
- Click on “Import Tokens” in your Metatmask screen: